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It’s been a while, huh? I’ve been doing my usual things but I haven’t really had the energy to update a lot. I’m in the process of making a jacket and a sweater. Slow going since it’s crochet but still. It’s the first style of craft I had ever done and it’s still my go to for project work. I’ve also been gaming. I haven’t done any new ones since Alice: Madness Returns but I had been playing a few online games. Nothing worth recording tho. Lastly, I’ve also been studying again. Almost completed a Grad Cert in Health Service Management with a focus on the quality and healthcare standards. I have one more unit to do once this semester is done. I originally started it because I wanted to try going into Quality management but I’ve kind of deviated from this  path but still in health. I might get back into recording again. Not sure yet. But if I did, I would need to find out what to record. Games seem to have a good track record… maybe I’ll do shorts on bits of my trip up and back from work

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