Protection Jars

Spell jars are magical working that is very versatile to what can be done. Typically, a spell jar contains herbs, crystals, oil, and anything else that has meaning to the creator.

Protection or protective jars are ones that protect your home, car, or person against things that may harm you. There are various versions of these jars online but I find creating my own with the resources I have access to are more powerful than when you go searching for and buying expensive ingredients for the jars.

Below is a list of protective ingredients that can be used in jars. Remember these are the only properties of these ingredients:

Dill – protection from evil spirits & ghosts
Lavender – protection from evil spirits
Oregano – protection from evil spirits
Parsley – wards off evil spirits 
Rosemary - ward off would-be negative energy
Garlic - Place a clove in each of the Elemental corners of your sacred space to keep it from harmful energy
Allspice - stands out as one of the best additions to spell bags for protection
Ginger - protects against nightmares
Sage - general, all-purpose protection herb
Star Anise - protect the home or sacred space from negativity and dark energy

Basil - when beginning a new relationship to keep guard over your heart
Lavender - remove negative & anxious feelings that prevent them from getting a good night’s sleep
Peppermint - clears bad energy, troubling thoughts, or even stress
Sweet Orange - warding off bad energy
Sage - cleanse spaces of negative energy and occurrences
Eucalyptus - represents a great agent for cleaning residual energy
Vetiver - cleans and purifies the human energy level
Geranium - has powerful protection and purification vibrations
Ylang-Ylang - soothing, calming anger, and negative emotional states

Clear quartz
Black tourmaline
Black obsidian
Black jade

Now this list isn't exhaustive and it is up to you to explore and learn about the different herbs, oils, and crystals. A good rule of thumb is that if a herb has a specific property then the oil is highly likely to also have the same property.

Simple Protection Jar

Call the quarters and set up your sacred space to ensure no negative energy can "infect" your jar before you seal it

Cleanse your jar to neutralise any pre-existing energies attached to it
Arrange your ingredients. Speak either in your mind or out loud what you wish the ingredient to do before placing them into the jar.
When done sear your jar with wax. 

Repeat if you are doing more or a set of jars.
Thank the quarters and move your jars to where you wish them to stay while they work their magic for you.


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